Tuesday, 24 December 2013

A White Christmas

We wish you a blessed Christmas.

The snow has been lots of fun, though a little more work around the farm!


Between snow blowing in town for our customers and hunting, the girls got a chance to help with chores in the snow. They love to get out when the boys are too busy!

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The Christmas turkeys got to experience the snow also. A week later, 12/18, they were processed on a cold yet sunny afternoon. Everyone was cheering when we finished up the last bird of the year! 


We had some big squares of organic hay brought in as our own supply of small squares are diminishing quickly. We started full hay very early this year with the dry pastures.

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Until next time, stay warm and count your blessings!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Chore Time

It’s been quite a while since we’ve posted. Summer has kept us extremely busy!

Come along and chore with us on a morning in mid September.

The boys get out before dawn and bring the cows in to be milked.

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There’s Daisy and Isabell coming in. Mahlon starts the milking prep and the other boys move on to other chores.

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Joseph usually takes care of the mama sow. Her baby pigs are ready to be weaned.

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Titus takes care of the little hens and bunnies. These chicks will lay eggs next spring.

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Meanwhile, Mahlon has everything sanitized and ready to milk. Daisy, Annabell, and Maple are patiently waiting. Maple says “Good Morning to you!”

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The cow’s teats are dipped in iodine and cleaned before the milker is put on. Mahlon takes great care to keep every thing clean. Clean and cold is our motto for fresh wholesome milk.

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Above: Timothy has a treat for the cows! He loves to help do chores.

Below a beautiful sunrise greets the chore boys.

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Daniel takes a bike ride outback to check on the horses, mule, and  pasture pork.

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Loading up feed that the boys previously ground, Joseph heads out to the pasture chickens and turkeys.

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The broilers below are almost ready to be processed. Titus fills the bucket with fresh water.

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Daniel and Titus move each pen to give all the birds a fresh salad bar along with their gmo free grain mix.

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The turkeys love to escape!

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On to the egg laying hens…Mr. Rooster crows his version of “Good Morning.” 

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Titus and Timothy take the cows back to their paddock while Daniel gets the hay for them. The cows are already on hay  because of the dry pastures. We are thankful to God for some great dairy quality hay in the shed.

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We have two new bulls on our farm. Above is the Friesian bull. So far they have been mild mannered. Mahon fills their water tank.

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Its time to head in to the house for a farmer’s breakfast that that the ladies have prepared for hungry men. The menu includes fresh doughnuts in celebration of Joseph’s 17th birthday.

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Thanks for coming along! Enjoy Fall!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Summer Days


Wonderful summer days are here! That means late nights and early mornings working on the farm!

The third cutting of hay will make great hay for the cows this winter!

Everyone wants to help…even the dogs! First the hay is cut at the proper time…just starting to flower. Then raked at the proper time, baled, and put away for winter! We were blessed to get to put up the hay by the Mediapolis Church. This will help us have enough to get through the winter!

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It’s the leaves and tender stems that make good hay! The more leaves, the better. Sometimes this means raking it in the dew is still on a little.

There is usually some break downs to work through!

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The fall pork is out in the timber strip

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And new piglets were born! Five are alive and doing great! We were able to watch the miracle.

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Meet Daisy, our newest milk cow and Cowboy the new mule. Daniel plans to train and sell him.

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We had some losses with the turkey chicks. The first 8 weeks can be challenging. Now they are out on pasture and doing great. They are great grazers.

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The second batch of broilers are processed. We were thankful for those that helped us! It’s always a big, yet fulfilling day. The climax of a lot of hard work and many uncertain variables.

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Grinding and mixing feed is a chore that needs to be done. George, Timothy’s duck, takes a stroll.

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Have a nice day!