Wednesday 25 July 2012

Daisy's new calf

Sunday morning, July 21st, Mahlon informed all of us, "When we get home from church, I think we'll have a calf." Great excitement reigned as we neared home that afternoon, as each was hoping to race in, change, and dash out to check on Daisy. Titus beat us all as he had brought his old clothes in the van and was all changed and ready to run out to the farm the minute the van was in park!

He wasn't disappointed as Daisy had picked a shady secluded timber area to have her heifer calf
(future milk cow)!!!

She's a beautiful calf from a Guernsey bull.

She's doing well!

Daisy is a great mom.

Beautiful Violet, the name all agreed upon.

On another subject, the turkeys are doing fine and have become great friends with our new bunny rabbit, Bumpy. Quite the interesting combo!

Another batch of broiler chicks also arrived and are all acclimated to their new home.