Saturday 25 May 2013



Come on out and help with chores!…or just walk along side…

June 3rd    6:00 p.m.

Enjoy the animals, learn more about pasture farming, connect with other patrons and your farmers, prizes, refreshments, fun activities.....

Grand Prize: November Pasture Turkey

Please RSVP if you are planning to attend.

Rain/mud date: June 17th


Last week the first cutting of hay was baled. We did it a little sooner than usual to get the extra growth away from the grass we interseeded this spring so that it could have a chance to grow. Baling is always an exciting time. The leaves of the alfalfa provide the nutrition and protein for the cows in the winter. The goal is to keep as many of them on as possible.

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The Garden is slow in coming along! This year we are giving the hoop house a rest from tomatoes. We were finally able to get tomatoes planted outside!  The cold wet weather gave us some very poor germination of peas, beans, and potatoes, but first spring treats are ready this week…lettuce, radishes, spinach..etc..

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We had to work through a power outage on the farm. Thanks to Wright Electric we got up and running the next day. The boys were able to get  reaquainted with milking by hand.

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A big highlight of May was the Family Economics Conference in St. Louis. Meeting and listening to author, speaker, and pasture based farmer, Joel Salitin  there was exciting to all of us. His books on sustainable pasture farming have help and inspired us a lot over the years.

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Honey comb from a hive on our farm.

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Yeah for lovely spring days!

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Reminder: Turkey orders need to be in by June 1st.