Thursday 19 April 2012

Egg Mobile


We converted our old pop up camper into an egg mobile!!! The boys gutted it and made nest boxes and roosting areas. They also boarded up some of the flimsy sides and painted it. The grain mix and water are kept in the egg mobile. We plan to have the chickens follow after the cows grazing. Many have had success with this and it is a very ideal situation. They seem to accepted it as their ‘sleeping quarters’ but still want to run up around the farm buildings a lot. We want them to hang out near their home and of course lay their wonderfully nutritious eggs IN the nesting boxes.  Maybe when it is time to graze out back they will be less tempted to stay visiting near the buildings!

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The terrible conditions the factory hens live, breathe, and eat in require routine antibiotics and medications to attempt to keep them alive. Out here on the natural farm in the fresh air, sunshine, and with their natural diet and habitat, health reigns and there is no need for medications.


As happy and healthy as these chickens are, there are dangers lurking nearby that we much watch for. An owl, hawk, coyote, raccoon, or fox can mean great danger to a flock chickens. Camping near the cows  and horses help with the four footed predators, but seeing a hawk floating around up in the sky causes great alarm around here! We also hope our dog, Annie, is helping: although there is some disagreement here on her effectiveness.