Tuesday 10 April 2012

New Chicks


The first batch of broiler chicks of the year just arrived. It’s an exciting time!


The chicks leave Hoover’s Hatchery in Rudd, IA the day they are born. They come to us through the postal service. The next morning we go into the Mediapolis Post Office to pick them up. What a lot of peeping!!! The postal workers are probably glad to see us come…and go!

With great care, the chicks are brought to a cozy home prepared for them by the boys. Warm heat lamps and a draft free environment greet the little chicks. Each one must have it’s beak dipped in water.   

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The new chicks are carefully monitored. Heaters are adjusted and the heat lamps lowered or raised depending on the temperature and actions of the chicks. 

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Daily chick chores include providing them with fresh water and feed. We get our organic grain mix from Kalona, IA. This not only provides organic gmo free feed, but is also free of the medications put in the typical bag of starter feed. The last job of the night is to check on the baby chicks.


    These chicks are enjoying their fresh bedding!

     In two weeks they will be old enough to put out

      on grass. That will be an exciting day also!





How can chicks make the trip though the mail? Right before they hatch the chicks draw the yolk into their abdomen. This yolk is very rich in food value and liquid and provide the baby chicks with all they need for a safe journey to our farm!